Sunday July 28, 2024
Temperature and Humidity
Temperature 12am10.0 °C
Temperature 6am
Temperature 12pm
Temperature 6pm
High Temperature10.5 °Cat 01:21am
Low Temperature9.5 °Cat 01:59am
Average Temperature9.9 °C
Temperature Range1.0 °C
High Dew Point1.4 °Cat 12:00am
Low Dew Point-1.0 °Cat 02:00am
High Humidity55.0 %at 12:00am
Low Humidity46.0 %at 01:14am
Heating Degree Days0.8
Cooling Degree Days0.0
Growing Degree Days6.0
Rainfall Today0.0 mm
Last Rain DetectedJul 15, 2024 7:28am
Lowest Wind Chill4.0 °Cat 02:08am
Wind Run3.5 km
Solar And Light
High UV0 at 12:00am
Solar Radiation0 W/m^2at 12:00am
High Pressure1017.0 hPaat 12:00am
Low Pressure1016.0 hPaat 12:49am